Use of Website / General
- Do you offer any training sessions for using the website to its maximum potential?
- How is your parcel id (folio, pin) formatted?
- What kind of information can I access/download from this site?
- What does this code mean or can I see a list of all codes?
- How current is the information on this site?
- Why do some properties I know exist not show on your website?
Restrictions of property
- Where can I find out my deed restrictions or information on my homeowners association?
- What can I build or do with this property?
- Jurisdictional Authority
Finding information
- How can I get the owner or other information about this property?
- How can I research past owners of property?
- How can I find property for sale?
- How can I find the owner of property if I don't know the address?
- Where can I get information on liens, foreclosures or delinquent tax property?
- How can I obtain a listing of names and addresses. This includes out of state owners, vacant property owners, everyone in my subdivision.
Taxes and the value of property
- What will the taxes be for a particular property?
- My neighbor and I have comparable houses. Why do I pay more tax?
- Can I see if the taxes have been paid and by whom?
Homestead and other exemptions
- I applied for Homestead or another exemption and I don't see it on your website.
- How do I get my mortgage adjusted now that I have homestead?
- What is the Homestead Exemption and how do I apply?
- Can I transfer my homestead when I move?
- What is the Save Our Homes Exemption (Amendment 10 Cap)?
- I have homestead, why don't I see the SOH Exemption?
- Is there a special exemption for senior citizens?
Incorrect Information
- I sold my property or I know that this property sold, but the information hasn't changed on your site.
- A feature on my house either isn't listed or is incorrect. How can it be corrected?
- How do I correct misspellings in my name?
- How do I change my mailing address?
Use of Website / General
Periodic training sessions are offered based on demand. Please contact our office to be added to a waiting list or inquire about a training session at your office for groups with 30 or more people.
The identification number we use is based on the Public Land Survey System (PLSS), in the form of Section(S)-Township(T)-Range(R)-Subdivision(D)-Block(B)-Lot(L). The implied notations will appear as: SS-TT-RR-DDD.D-BBB.BL-LLL.L (i.e. Section 27 South, Township 24 East, Range 21 East, Subdivision 40, Block 9, Lot 2 would show as: 27-21-21-0400-00900-0020.)
Our online data base provides current property details, such as ownership, assessments, legal descriptions, and other general information. This information can be accessed by using parcel number, owners name, address and subdivision criteria on our records search page or by using a variety of criteria on our recent sales page. Source Appraisal and GIS data along with supporting metadata can be accessed from our downloads page. However, we are unable to offer technical support concerning these downloads.
A listing of all the reference codes used on our site can be found here.
Property information shown on our site is identical to the information you would see on a visit to our office unless otherwise noted on the page. Please note: name and address changes require processing time and therefore the most current information may not be available.
Certain property owners such as judges and law enforcement personnel have public disclosure protection per F.S. 119.
Restrictions of property
Deed restrictions of record are recorded by the Office of the Clerk of Circuit Court. You may be able to use their website for further research: www.pascoclerk.com
To find out if a lot is buildable, you will need to contact the Pasco County Zoning/Permitting Office at 352-521-4279 or 727-847-8132.
Future Land Use, Zoning, construction permitting and millage rates are some of the property related regulations managed by the jurisdiction where the parcel is located. Each parcels' jurisdictional authority is indicated underneath the parcel detail "Legal Description." Please contact the indicated jurisdiction for applicable information.
Finding information
By using our records search page.
Property transfers of record are recorded by the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. You may be able to use their website for further research: www.pascoclerk.com
The Property Appraiser's office does not monitor or list properties for sale through any real estate agency. You will need to contact your local Chamber of Commerce, multiple listing service, or realtor for assistance.
Our map search feature will allow you to see a map of a particular street or intersection. You may utilize the quick info or full info features to obtain ownership.
Liens and foreclosures of record are recorded by the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court. You may be able to use their website for further research: www.pascoclerk.com. For information regarding delinquent taxes, contact the Tax Collector.
Under no circumstances will this office identify and list select groups of property owners for purposes unrelated to property assessment. Our source Appraisal and GIS data with supporting metadata can be accessed on our downloads page. However, we are unable to offer technical support concerning these downloads.
Taxes and the value of property
They can be estimated by using the "Estimate Taxes" page located on our web site. Using our records search page, enter a parcel number, owner name, address or subdivision name. With the property details displayed, look for and click on the "Estimate Taxes" link.
Carefully check the "Land Detail", "Building Information" and "Extra Features" of the parcel details to ensure that they are in fact comparable. Check the "Total Assessment" value of the two homes for a market value comparison. Tax bill amounts are derived inpart from the "Taxable Value" which for comparable properties can differ greatly based on the various types of exemptions each owner may be receiving and the number of years the exemptions have been in effect.
The Pasco County Tax Collector is responsible for collecting taxes. From our parcel detail page click the "See Tax Collector Information - Current/Delinquent Taxes" link or go directly to the Tax Collector site.
Homestead and other exemptions
All Homestead Exemption applications undergo an approval process and all approved exemptions will be reflected on your 'Notice of Proposed Property Tax' mailed in August. By Florida Statute law our office is required to contact the property owner by certified mail if the application is disapproved for any reason by July 1st. For your privacy, widow and disability exemptions are not reflected on the website.
You may furnish your mortgage company with a copy of your Homestead Exemption receipt. Some companies may also request an estimate of taxes. We are unable to submit this information on your behalf. You may be able to use the "Estimate Taxes" page from the property detail page.
More information about what homestead is can be found here. You may apply online or visit one of our offices to complete an initial application. In order to document your Florida residency we will ask for qualifying information for both you and your spouse (Florida driver's licenses; Florida vehicle registrations; social security numbers; voter registrations; copy of deed or tax notice).
No. You will need to reapply for homestead after a sale has occurred on the property. However, you may be eligible to transfer the assessment difference received from your previously Homesteaded property.
Details about the Save Our Homes Exemption (Amendment 10 Cap) can be found here.
The Save Our Homes Exemption (Amendment 10 Cap) protects your assessed value, starting the first year after you've applied for Homestead exemption. The first year, your market value will equal your assessed value. Thereafter, your assessed value changes are subject to the limits granted by the Save Our Homes Exemption (Amendment 10 Cap).
No. As of this date, one has not been adopted.
Incorrect Information
Currently lot and block transfers are typically processed within days of receipt from the Clerk. Other transfers such as property splits require more time as they involve scheduled field inspections and a subsequent determination of value.
Call or e-mail our office and a field appraiser will physically inspect the property.
Check to see if the error exists on the original recorded document filed with the Pasco County Clerk Official Records Department. You may be able to use their website for further research: www.pascoclerk.com. If your deed contains an error, it will be necessary to record a corrective instrument. Otherwise, you may contact our office here. pa@pascopa.com
Please fill out and send in an address change request form.
Real Property
Real property is defined as land, buildings and all other permanent improvements on the land and is broadly classified, based on land use. Such as single family and multi-family residential, mobile homes; Vacant residential and unimproved acreage.
Ad Valorem
Tax based on the value of property.
Tax Rate
The tax rate is set by the taxing authority for the governmental unit within which the property is located. The Florida Constitution directly authorized counties, school districts, and municipalities to levy ad valorem taxes. It also provides that special districts may be created and authorized by law to levy ad valorem taxes. The total tax rate is the combined tax rates (millage's) of all taxing authorities having jurisdiction over property in the county. That part of the rate for general county operations and maintenance is constitutionally limited to a maximum of ten mills and is set by the county commissioners. The remainder of the county tax rate consists of various referendum-approved debt service millage for bonds and millage required by state law. Also, school districts and municipalities are limited to a maximum of ten mills for operations and maintenance. The Florida Constitution provides that no state ad valorem tax will be levied. However, each year the legislature prescribes a required local millage for each school district to provide revenue for the Florida Education Finance Program. Each special district tax rate is levied by the district taxing authority against the property lying within the special district itself. Such districts include hospital, drainage, and lighting districts. Special districts are usually less than county-wide; some districts, such as the water management districts, may cover several counties. Each tax bill consists of the total of all millage applicable to the particular property. The tax bill also includes the related taxes due for all the taxing authorities having jurisdiction over the property.
A mill is one dollar per thousand dollars.
In 1980, the legislature passed the "Truth-in-Millage" (TRIM) act. This law is designed to inform taxpayers which governmental entity is responsible for the taxes levied and the amount of tax liability owed to each taxing entity. The Notice of Proposed Property Taxes is known as the TRIM notice. TRIM establishes the statutory requirements that all taxing authorities levying a millage must follow, including all notices and budget hearing requirements. The Notice of Proposed Property Taxes (TRIM notice) enables the taxpayer to compare the prior year assessed value and taxes with the present year assessed value and proposed taxes. It also lets taxpayers compare the amount of taxes if there is no budget change for the upcoming year. The notice lists the date, time, and location of all budget hearings at which the taxing authorities will hear from the public. At these hearings, the taxing authorities establish the millage to be levied against the parcel of land shown on the TRIM notice. The notice also shows the deadline for filing a petition to protest the assessment and any denial of exemption. The millage and budget hearing procedures are monitored by the department. This ensures taxpayer awareness of the proposed millage changes, the proposed budget changes, and, if any, the percent of change in the rolled-back rate. Rolled back rate is defined as that millage rate which provides the same ad valorem tax revenue for each taxing authority as was levied during the previous year. Non compliance by the taxing authority could result in the loss of revenue sharing funds.
Assessed Value
Annual determination of the just or fair market value of property.
Taxable Value
The assessed value of property minus the amount of any exemption approved by the property appraiser for the owner of the property.